Circumcised sex is
adrenalized sex—tense,
forceful, muscular,
rough and tough, and
aggressive. It's
pumped with tension.
often, hard,
pounding, bang-away
thrusts are used.
In her multi-million-selling book, How to Satisfy
a Woman Every Time, Naura Hayden refers to it as
Big Bang"
and she describes it this
He got her excited with foreplay. She’s burning
up with desire.
But as soon as he enters
her and starts pumping
away, she’s turned off.
That wonderful, excited
feeling, that glow all
over her body, that
tingling in her sex
organs, vanishes.
Because he’s doing The BIG BANG. In and out,
in and out —Bang Bang.
He doesn’t realize it doesn’t feel good to her.
Initially, it doesn’t always hurt, but it sure doesn’t
feel terrific.
And after a while of being ‘banged,’ it does start to
hurt, and she wishes he'd just get the whole thing over
If you men would just try this experiment, you’d
understand exactly what it feels like.
Put your left arm out, and with your right fist, hit
your left arm for 30 seconds (the longer you do it, the
more it hurts)
I did this on several TV shows to show the male hosts
what ‘banging’ feels like, and they were amazed.
They had no idea that that’s what happens when a man
enters a woman and starts pumping.
When the base of his penis
mound] rams against her clitoris, the woman initially
feels pain (which makes her tense up), then gradually
her whole sexual area loses feeling. At first it
hurts, then it gets sort of numb and loses feeling.
The woman, not knowing what he’s doing wrong (but
absolutely knowing it’s all wrong!),
pretends finally to have an orgasm because she knows
that the way he’s doing it she’ll never have one, and
she wants to get it over with to end the boredom and/or
She’s left feeling very frustrated, unhappy, and
Never dreaming it could possibly be
the man’s
precisely, his circumcised penis],
these women are left thinking that maybe there's
something wrong with them, that they don't like sex.
When women of the
Kristen O'Hara's survey
were asked about the
thrusting action of
circumcised men, 72%
agreed that “they tend
to pound and bang
The circ penis thrusts
differently from the natural penis.
(This fact is corroborated in
thousands of adult videos made over the last 20 years.)
Circumcised penis prefers
strong, forceful
against its lower shaft &
mound area. |
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