Click To Order Sex As Nature Intended It
Let's get it right out of the closet. Gay men
have sex with other men and are therefore enamored by the male sex organ, since it is the
principle erotic focus in sexual activity. Although the book does not specifically address
gay sex because it is a subject the female author has no direct experience with, it makes
sense that if heterosexual sex is substantially improved when the penis has a foreskin,
homosexual sex would also be significantly improved. Thus, you will find this to be one of the most interesting and informative books
you'll ever read about the penis, even though it deals with heterosexual sex.
Gay acquaintances have told me that circumcision, and the foreskin, is a much talked about
topic in the gay community. And gay men who have read this book tell
me that they enthusiastically recommend it to other gay men, and men in general.
There are three main topics, discussed in detail and at great
length, that should prove highly interesting to you. But first, if
you are circumcised, let me ask you a question? Have you ever fantasized what it
might be like to have a foreskin? Would it interest or excite you to learn that this book
discusses how you can get your "foreskin" back again?
- The Foreskin Restoration Revolution Has Begun. If
you are circumcised, this book has much to offer you regarding your sexuality. In particular, one of its primary themes, running throughout the book, is
its inspirational message concerning foreskin restoration (loosely defined as
"regrowing" the foreskin using various non-surgical techniques that expand and
extend the penile shaft skin). In fact, the lengthiest chapter is devoted exclusively to
foreskin restoration.
The chapter includes numerous voices of circumcised men who express their condemnation and
regret at being circumcised in infancy without their consent. And not to be missed are the fascinating, in-depth, before and after stories of two men who
restored (as well as the comments of other restored men), who talk about the
immense betterments restoration brought to their sexuality. What can you expect from
restoration?a rainbow of new sexual sensations and
sensuousness, and new feelings of wholeness. In the words of my restored husband, "It's too beautiful for words." And as another man said, "If I
were to rate sex before my restoration, I'd give it a two. Now that I'm restored, it's a
ten. How sweet it is."
- A Sexual Comparison of the Natural (uncircumcised)
and Circumcised Penis. Several chapters in the book discuss at length the erotic
structure of the penis and how the presence or absence of a foreskin can have a tremendous
influence on both sexual feeling and the sex act. The book is full
of insights and explanations about how the penis functions as an instrument of sexual
pleasure and is the first book to explain in detail the many sexual benefits and
functions of the foreskin.
- The Male Clitoris: Its Discovery, Pleasurement, and
How It Affects a Man's Sexuality. Being a gay man, you may not be aware that the
female genitalia has a specialized structurethe clitoristhat is the focal powerhouse
of a woman's sexual pleasure. Up until now, sexual researchers believed that the clitoris
was a structure unique to women only. However, it was recently discovered that the male,
too, has a clitoristhe most erogenous tissue of the
penisthe penis's primary focal point of pleasure. The
discovery of the male clitoris, and how it is pleasured, is a major advancement in
understanding both your own sexuality and the sexuality of other men. This is sure
to be a much-talked-about topic among members of the gay community.
As mentioned, gay readers speak very highly of this book, and after
reading it yourself, I feel confident that you will value it as one of the most important
books you've ever readif not the most important.
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[Author's Personal Note] The title of the
book was conceived very early in the writing and was meant to convey (upon reading the
book) that the foreskin is an intrinsic element in human sexuality. Recently, someone
pointed out that the gay community, at casual glance, could misconstrue the title as
anti-gay. Let it be known that the author is in no way, shape, or manner anti-gay or
homophobic. I respect the rights of all consenting adults to their individual sexual
orientation. And I believe that every person should be freed from involuntary genital
alteration (circumcision) so that they may enjoy the full extent of sexual pleasure for
which nature endowed them, regardless of sexual orientation. My philosophy is best summed
up in the following quote by the poet, Rod McKuen: "It's not
who you love or what you love, but that you love."
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