Click To Order Sex As Nature Intended It
As a prospective
parent faced with the dilemma of whether you should or should not
circumcise your son, you simply must read this book. It
will answer all your questions with reassuring finality and comfort you with the knowledge
that you made the right decision for your child.
Have you ever wondered . . . ?
Why nature equips every baby boy with a foreskin (a fold of "extra" skin at the front of the penis that enwraps the penis head).
Would it surprise you to learn that . . . ?
Recent medical research
confirms that the "little snip" of skin removed at an infant's
circumcision would ultimately grow to become approximately half
(12-15 square inches) of the penile skin system of the adult natural penis. This means
that the circumcised
penis has only 1/2 the shaft skin nature intended, causing tight erections because
too much swollen tissue is packed into too little skin.
Many people are not aware that most of the world's men (approximately 80%) are not circumcised. America is one of the few
countries that practices routine infant circumcision. Circumcision is not the standard in the world; it is the exception.
During the 20th century in America, circumcision was performed routinely by the medical
community, principally because it was thought to have medical benefitsbenefits that have now been discredited. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently conducted a two-year intensive
review of the medical literature on circumcision from the last 40 years. As a result, they
issued a policy statement in March, 1999, declaring
that existing scientific evidence demonstrating potential medical benefits of newborn male
circumcision "are not sufficient to recommend routine neonatal [infant]
circumcision." Subsequently, in August, 2000, the American Medical Association (AMA), the
largest medical association in America, posted a statement on their website concurring
with the AAP's findings, saying
routine infant circumcision is "non-therapeutic" and unnecessary.
Over the past 15 years organized opponents to circumcision have decried its painful,
traumatic effects to the infant. But Sex
As Nature Intended It affirms
that the negative consequences of circumcision go far beyond infancy and that circumcision is, first and foremost, a sexuality issue with lifelong
The book builds an irrefutable case showing that the foreskin plays an intrinsic role in
adult sexuality, and that it performs several specialized functions
during intercourse. These special functions allow a man and woman to experience
intercourse in accordance with nature's sexual plantenderly, gently, and lovinglymutually
sharing an experience that binds them so close it's as if the two were one. But when
circumcision removes the foreskin, everything changesthe intercourse experience is
abnormalized for both sexual partners.
One important chapter details the astonishing results of a unique survey of women who have
had the comparative experience of sexual intercourse with both circumcised and
uncircumcised men. The shocking bottom line of the survey is:
Women preferred the uncircumcised (natural, as provided by
nature) penis
for lovemaking by a margin of 9 to 1. Moreover, women were almost 5 times likelier to achieve vaginal orgasm when the man had a natural penis.
If you are a circumcised man, or a woman married to one, you may be personally impacted by
the above information. But remember, isn't
parenthood all about making a better life for our children than we had for ourselves? Also, keep in mind that the opening page
of this website noted that there is a solution for today's circumcised men (and the women
they share their bed with). And
there is a solutionforeskin restoration (loosely defined as "regrowing" the foreskin using
various non-surgical techniques that expand and extend the penile shaft skin). Not only is foreskin restoration now possible, but it is
about to capture America's consciousness and sweep us all off our feet by surprise. This topicthough it may seem radicalwill be discussed shortly.
As the sexual issues of circumcision rise to national awareness, we
will not be able to escape the incontrovertible truth that circumcision has untold adverse
effects on the sexuality of both the man and his female partner. And that it has
profound detrimental consequences on the way they experience sexual intercourse,
diminishing their pleasure to an astounding degree. This realization will necessitate a
means of mending for the adult populaceforeskin
restoration. But first, let us get back to the infant.
One compelling chapter of the book presents a discussion of 35 reasons why you should not
circumcise your son. Two others discuss and refute the medical and
social myths commonly advanced to promote circumcision. Why spend hours and hours of your
valuable time researching websites and still not be sure you've got the right information
on which to base your decision? This book covers
everythingfrom the medical and social issues to the sexuality issues.
Now that circumcision is being disclosed as a sexuality issue, you must keep in mind that the decision you make will affect your child for the next 74
years of his expected life. Click Here to Order today, read
this landmark book, and have the peace of mind in knowing you made the right decision for
the good of your child.
And just as important, reading this book will avail you on how foreskin restoration can bring you, personally, new
levels of sexual pleasure beyond your highest expectations, and at the same time bring new meaning to the word "love," with overriding beneficial effects on your
everyday relationship happiness.
Still, the idea of foreskin restoration may immediately strike you as strange and bizarre.
But as the sexuality issues of circumcision come
into national prominence, it will emerge as a very reasonable and realistic solution for men who are presently circumcised. Through the promise of restoration,
circumcised men (and women on the receiving end of the penis) can resurrect the sexuality
that was stolen from them and discover together the "born again" pleasures of
sex as nature intended it. Ultimately, the book will
enrich the lives of millions by vastly improving the lovemaking experience of countless
men and women, every time they have sex, and make love, re-cementing the love bond.
Even if you are young and think your sex life is satisfactory, you will still benefit
immensely from reading this book because it will awaken you to the knowledge that the
negativities of circumcision, to both your sex life and marital happiness, become more
insidious as time goes by (through increased exposure). Better to find out now and learn that there is something you can do about
Unless you think your sex life is superlativefrequent, tender, gentle, softly
sensuous, indescribably delicious, lustfully passionate, and loving, with the woman experiencing vaginal orgasm every time you
have intercourseyou need this book.
Written in an easy-to-understand language and style, this
extraordinary 20-chapter book will set you
free. And set your partner free. Free to experience your true sexuality for the first time. Free to discover a
higher love for your mate, and they for you.
After reading this remarkable book, I think you will
agree that this was one of the most important books you've ever readif not the
most important. And the 20
chapters will fly byyou won't find a boring page throughout. You owe it to yourself, and your partner, to get
this book. To borrow an adage from the '60s, "Today is the first day of the rest of
your life." And
the best is yet to come! Also, getting back to your son or future son, he is depending on
you to get the facts, thereby endowing him with his true potential to experience his
future sexual and marital happiness.
If, however, you are still not convinced that this book is a must-read, then click on the
appropriate link below to learn more.
Manxxxxx'xWoman Married to a Circumcised Man
Man with a Foreskinxxxx Woman Married to a Man with a Foreskin